Monday, May 23, 2016

Anti Termite

This is  chemical treatment process. This done for stop the insect attack to the building for some period. After the compaction, anti-termite treatment is done. This is a specialize job. This treatment done by well-trained peoples. This treatment done to stop the attack of insect to the building.

Chemical name            - ByFenthrin

There have two treatments.
  1.  Surface treatment (1st)            - 200:0.5 (l)
  2. Vertical treatment (2nd)           - 200:1.5 (l)
      First layer spray whole area of rooms. That’s call surface treatment. And then spray the second layer. This will spray only for edges of room. That’s call vertical treatment.

     Safety measures
  •       All chemical used for anti-termite treatment are poisonous and hazardous to health
  •       Keep the containers closed and secured.
  •       Wear protective clothing while handling the chemicals.
  •       Avoid flames in the vicinity during mixing.
  •       Never allow treatment chemicals to contaminate sources of drinking water.

      Equipment and Tools
  •       Power Sprayer
  •       Spray Nozzle (used to facilitate the formations of spray in the targeted area)
  •     Personal Protective Equipment, Safety helmet, Safety gloves, Safety shoes, eye protection or goggles, approved respirator and safety jacket.

      After completing the treatment, have to concrete the floor within 24 hrs. Otherwise have to redo the
treatment. This treatment is usable only for 5 years that done by. After that, treatment should be redone. For that purpose, before concreting the floor, special pipe are laid around the edges in room area. That horse contain a holes in 1ft intervals. The inlet of the pipe is fixed in every duct holes. That inlet used to pump the chemical for next treatments.


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