Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Concrete Testing


Out of many test applied to the concrete, this is the utmost important which gives an idea about all the characteristics of concrete. By this single test one judge that whether Concreting has been done properly or not. For most of the works cubical moulds of size 15 cm x 15cm x 15 cm are commonly used.

This concrete is poured in the mould and tempered properly so as not to have any voids. After 24 hours these moulds are removed and test specimens are put in water for curing.
These specimens are tested by compression testing machine after 7 days curing and 28 days curing. Load should be applied gradually at the rate of 140 kg/cm2 per minute till the Specimens fails. Load at the failure divided by area of specimen gives the compressive strength of concrete.

Normally cast four cubes for each concrete batch.


When measuring the workability and consistency of a batch of concrete, a concrete slump test must be performed for each batch of fresh concrete. Concrete admixtures affect concrete workability in unique way, and it is important to maintain a consistency between each batch.
This testing method consists of a cone with a base diameter of 200mm, a top diameter of 100mm, and a height of 300mm. The cone is placed on a smooth none absorbent surface and freshly mixed concrete is placed into the mode in three successive layers, 25 blows were applied to each layer with a bullet pointed rod 160mm in diameter 600mm long. Once filled to top (after ramming) and top struck the mode is immediately withdrawn and the slump or subsidence of the concrete measured from a straight edge held across the top of the mould. Slump is the vertical settlement of the concrete after the mode has been withdrawn. That is the different between the height of the mould and the highest point of the subsided concrete give the workability.

Brick Work

Brick is very commonly used construction material in Sri Lanka. But it was seen that the quality of bricks varies to a larger extend. Bricks are molded either by machinery or by hand. The size of the brick is often smaller than the standard size of 225×112.5×75 mm in size.

1:5, cement: sand mortar was used in the site. English bond & Stretched bond were used in the walls construction with 10mm thick cement mortar joint. Before the construction, bricks should be immersed in water. If they are not soaked in water, the bricks would absorb water from cement mixture and this leads to a reduction in hydration reaction in cement and a reduction in the strength of wall. The courses are to be kept perfectly horizontal & every fourth course shall be checked for level & plumb. All walls are to be carried up uniformly & as regularly as possible.

English bond was used in partition wall construction (225mm thickness).


  1. The lap should be one-fourth of the brick.
  2. The bricks should be uniform in shape and size.
  3. The vertical joints should lie vertically above each other in the alternate courses.
  4. Least number of bats should be used.


The walls can be constructed in different bounds according to the thickness of the wall. If the long face of the brick is exposed, this is termed a ‘stretcher’ and if the end face is exposed, this is a ‘header’. The bond pattern is depending on the arrangement of headers and stretchers visible in the face of the wall. There are many types of brick bonds commonly used. In the site we used two types of bonds.
  1. English bond
  2. Stretched bond

English bond

The English bond was used for 225 mm brick wall. It have stretched layer and headed layer.

Stretcher bond

The stretcher bond have only stretcher course by shifting half of a brick. (Half brick thick wall)


Mortar is a mixture of cement, sand, and water. The primary function of the mortar is to bind the individual bricks together, so that the wall will act as large single unit. Mortar is used in all masonry units. So it is important to have an adequate consideration about mortar. The mortar is used not only as binding material, but also seal against air and moisture penetration. It also has responsible for the strength of the masonry. The mortar should be able to spread easily and remain plastically to long time for bricks or blocks to be adjusted to the required alignment and level. And also harden without unnecessary delay. It should have enough compressive strength.

The most commonly used cement in mortar is Ordinary Portland Cement and the sand is river sand. The sand, which contains approximately same size coarser particles, will be preferable. The water for mortar should be free from impurities to reduce adverse effects. Drinking water will be satisfactory.
The cracks in wall can be due to less water content in mortar, effects of applied loads and inadequate foundation condition. The unsatisfactory foundation conditions are a common course of cracking in masonry walls due to settlement or uplift of soil.

The overlapping arrangement of bricks in order to tie them together in a mass of brick work is known as “bonding”. Good bonding should have a minimum of vertical joints in any part of the work and it should not be continuous in two successive courses since it is a source of weakness.

Sand and cement measuring.

Sand: Cement ration is important factor that conceder when mixing the mortar. To measure sand, we used gauge box. Gauge box is 12”×12”×15” size box that can contain 1 bag (50kg) of cement.

Quantity of mortar and brick needed to area of 1m2


For 9” thick brick wall            = 59.25×2
                                                = 118.5 Nos.

Volume of mortar,

Volume of mortar       = (1×0.225) – (0.215×0.065×0.1025×118.5)
                                    = 0.06m3

Ratio,  1:5
Cement            = 0.06×                                                          Sand    = 0.06×
                        = 0.01m3                                                                      = 0.05m3

1m3                  = 1420kg
                        = 0.01×1420
Cement            =14.2kg (For 1m2)


In constructing the walls strength is very important. Also careful handling in the construction stage is very important. To ensure the proper bonding all the bricks must be wetted before use.

In construction of wall, first of all two end corners were carefully laid, and then in between portion of wall were built. A cord stretched along the header & it helps in keeping the alignment of bricks & maintaining them in one level. Each corner was set vertical by plumb bob and bricks were adjusted until wall is true. Then the other bricks of that layer must be completed. For that, firstly mortar (1:5 cement: sand) was placed on the last completed course in uniformly. Then the bricks were pressed in to the mortar leaving space for vertical mortar joints. Then the vertical joint was filled with mortar. By repeating the above procedure the walls were constructed up to soffit level.

The each horizontal joint was raked out to minimum depth of 12mm by raking tool when the mortar is still green. The height of wall constructed per day must not exceed 1.5m.

When brick wall was constructed between columns, it was essential proper bonding between column and brick wall. 10mm diameter reinforcements call dowel were used to this purpose. While constructing the brick wall, reinforcements were inserted to those holes. The strength of the wall was improved using this dowels.



The layer of brick laid on the same bed is known as a course. The thickness of the course is equal to actual thickness of the brick plus the thickness of one mortar joint.


The side of the brick when laid longitudinally and visible in elevation is called stretcher.


The side surface of the brick when lay transversely and visible in elevation is called header.


Bonds are an arrangement of courses of blocks which no continuous vertical joints. In this arrangements blocks in wall are laid in each course in such a way that they over lap the block of the course laid immediately below.



It is available in varies size of trowel. Trowels are used for lifting and spreading mortar, for cutting block construction of joint.

Plumb bob

This helps in checking vertically of the block work.


A wooden section. This is employed for checking perpendicular during construction.

Sprit level

This helps in checking the horizontality of the floors.

Measurement tape

For measuring purposes.


Concrete is an artificial stone that is made by casting in place in plastic condition a mixture of cement, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates and water. The hardening occurs due to a chemical reaction between the cement and the water. Concrete is used for the construction of foundation, slab, beams, columns etc…at site. It has very good compressive strength but very weak in tension. Concrete this design to provide following requirements,
  1. Strength
  2. Durability
  3. Protection against fire
  4. Thermal and sound insulation

Concrete is composite material consisting cement, aggregates, water and admixtures. The concrete should possess the strength, durability, impermeability and resistance to abrasion required for the proposed structure. It should be free of such defects as cracking, honeycombing, undue shrinkage etc. The concrete should be of good quality and should be produced with careful control over the batching of materials, water cement ratio etc. Necessary care and attention should be given to the design and preparation of formwork.

In its fresh state, concrete should,
  • Be composed of accurately batched proportion
  • Have the required W/C ratio
  • Be well mixed
  • Not segregate during transportation and placing
  • Be fully compacted
  • Be provided with specified finish
  • Quality of cement
  • Type of aggregate
  • The grading of aggregate
  • Mixing method and mixing time of concrete
  • Method of transportation
  • Curing

These quantities are depended on the material selected the proportion in which they are mixed, the method of mixing, placing, transportation and compaction.



Cement is a material with adhesive and cohesive properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragments. There are many types of cements, ordinary Portland cement, rapid hardening Portland cement, low heat Portland cement, sulfate resisting cement, white cement and pigments. Generally ordinary Portland cement is widely used.


Aggregate is commonly considered inert filler, which accounts for 60 to 80 percent of the volume and 70 to 85 percent of the weight of concrete. Although aggregates are most commonly known to be inert filler in concrete, the different properties of aggregates have a great impact on the strength, durability, workability, and economy of concrete.
Aggregates are classified in to two types, coarse and fine aggregates. Aggregates smaller than 5mm are known as fine aggregates while lager than 5mm are known as coarse aggregates. Sand is used as fine aggregates and crushed metal is used as coarse aggregates widely in Sri Lanka. Usually river sand is used as fine aggregates. Generally ¾" metal is used as coarse aggregate for normal concrete mix. 1 ½" metal used for mass concrete. Metal used for concrete is to be free from clay or any other foreign matters. Because otherwise it can be affect to the bonding.


All water using for mixing concrete mortar grout shall be perfectly fresh, clean and free from acid, salt and all impurities, which may adversely effected the setting, hardening and durability of the concrete. This requirement is usually satisfied by using water which is suitable for drinking .Water is used to effect the chemical action in cement, which is known a hydration. Therefore the water/cement ratio is a most important factor when concrete qualities are concern because it affects the setting, Harding and strength of cement. Normally water /cement ratios are in the range of 0.4 to 0.6 Water also acts as a lubricant for the cement and the aggregates in the compaction of the concrete.


An admixture is a chemical product that is added to concrete mix during mixing or during an additional mixing operation prior to the placing of concrete, for the purpose of achieving a specific modification. There are water-reducing, retarding, accelerating admixtures.

  • Accelerating Admixtures

Their function is primarily to accelerate the early strength development of concrete that is hardening although they may also coincidentally accelerate the setting of concrete.

  • Retarding Admixtures

A delay in the setting of the cement paste can be achieved by the addition of a retarding admixture.


Concrete must be thoroughly mixed until a uniform color is attained. In our site we used ready mixed concrete except in some instances where a small quantity was required.

Hand mixing

In small jobs of concrete was mixed by hand. The ingredients were first assembled on a water tight-mixing platform. First of all in hand mixing work, the required amount of sand was spread out on the flat surface. The proper number of bags of cement was spread out on top, and the two materials were turned together until a uniform color is obtained. The required volume of coarse aggregate wetted, measured, and spread in a layer on top of the cement and sand mixer. All the materials were again mixed and depression was formed in the center of the heap.
Finally, the required amount of water was added and mixed until the all materials are thoroughly mixed.

Ready mixed

Instead of mixing in site, concrete is delivered from a central plant (called batching plant), it is referred to as ready mixed or pre mixed concrete. This type of concrete is extensively used as it offers numerous advantages in comparison with other methods.

  • Close quality control of batching which reduces the variability of the desired properties of hardened concrete
  • Use on congested sites where there is little space for a mixing plant and aggregate stockpiles.
  • Use agitator trucks to ensure care in transportation, thus preventing segregation and mentally work ability.


Process in a batching plant

For Grade 25, 0.75m3   ------------->  208 – Sand                (Unit – Bucket)
                                                            248 – Metal
                                                              88 – Cement

Capacity of silo = 3 bulk (33,000kg)

Before poring the concrete there have some concrete test to carry out. Such as slump cone and cube test.


The concrete should be placed in its final position rapidly so that it is not too stiff to work. Water should not be added after concrete has left the mixture. A heap of concrete, which will have to be moved to some other part of the form, should not be allowed to accumulate in one place. Normally concrete was placed in even layers and each of layers was compacted before the next layer was placed. Each layer was placed before the previous layer has got set. But for the slab it was placed as single layer.

Compaction of concrete is the process adopted to expel the entrapped air from the concrete. If the air is not removed fully the concrete loses its strength considerably. Compaction can be manual or mechanical compaction. The internal vibrator or poker was used in our site, which is the most common type of vibrator. This is a vibrating tube at the end of a flexible drive. Pokers vary in size, usually from 25mm to 75mm in diameter. A poker vibrator should not be dragged through the concrete, nor used to help heaps of concrete to spread out. It should place vertically in the concrete, held in position until air bubbles cease to come to the surface, then slowly with drawn so that concrete can flow into the space previously occupied by the poker. This should be repeated at about 0.5m centers. The concrete should be placed in layers never more than 600mm thick, and the vibrator should be lowered at least 100mm in to layer beneath 


The method of placing concrete is very important and needs proper planning and careful study if the structure to be concreted is to be durable, strong and having a good appearance. All formwork should be check clean and oiled before concrete is placed on it. Place the concrete as soon as possible in uniform layers placing height should be less than 4ft.                                                                       


The progress of compacting concrete by vibration consists essentially of the elimination of entrapped air and forcing the particles in to a closer configuration.


Using hammer

This was done in places where vibrator can’t insert such as column concrete. This concrete was compacted by ramping. Pushing up and down a rammer on the concrete did ramping. Wide wood piece was used to make the rammer.

Using a Steel Rod

Steel rode uses when compacting at the thinner areas where vibrators or rammers can’t be inserting. This method is very effective and efficient in small concreting like manhole construction.


Best and quickest method was vibration. Of several types of vibrators, this is perhaps the most common one. It is consists of porker, housing eccentric shaft driven through a flexible drive from a motor. The poker is immersed in concrete and thus applies approximately harmonic forces to it; hence, the alternative names of Poker vibrator or immersion vibrator.
The correct method of insetting Poker to the concrete as follows; Compaction process consolidates fresh concrete with in the formwork and around reinforcement. Compaction is necessary to remove entrapped air which is present in concrete after it is mixed.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Safety In Construction


Term “safety” exist as a result of the “accident” prevention of accidents means follow safety
measures. So there is a direct ling in between safety and accident.

An accident is an unexpected occurrence which can take place at construction sites mostly happen to men going about their daily work and consequently, those involved with site safety must not concern themselves such as roofing problems of roof works, transportation, scaffolds, etc…

The most common types of accidents at sites are,

  1. Injury due to machinery
  2. Falling from height
  3. Electric shock
  4. Getting hit by a falling object
  5. Getting run by a moving vehicles

To reduce these accidents in numbers and criticality following guidelines have to be followed.
  1. All new staff should receive safety briefing given by the safety officer before starting any of work.
  2. General personal protection equipment (PPE) such as safety boots and helmets should be wear. In addition, adequate PPE (e.g. ear & eye protection) should also be wear for construction works such as welding works.
  3. Alcoholic drinks and other substances, which may impair judgment, must be prohibited from the site.
  4. Any personnel working at high level, safe and proper working platforms and scaffoldings should be used.
  5. Ladders should always stand on a firm base.
  6. Adequate lateral support bracing should be used when fitting scaffoldings.
  7. A qualified electrician should carry out electrical installations.
  8. Insulated wire shall be used for wiring of temporary power supply.
  9. Opening which may cause fall shall be closed, or barrier.
  10. Work at heights in strong wind and heavy rain is prohibited.


In any construction site safety is very important. Not only labours but officers also should beware of sudden accidents. So that we must when the works are carried out accidents can be occurred to any person at any time. So precautions have to be taken to prevent those accidents. Supervisors should check whether they are used or not and the staff should advice the labours.

An accidents may be defined as an unforeseen event, which is causing personal injury or property damage. From the accident data it has been seen that 85% - 95% of accidents are preventable. It requires a little bit of care or timely precaution to prevent accidents. There are many people in our country, where they seem to believe that an accident is an act of god.

But we think it is possible to avoid accidents by our own efforts. It is the main responsibility of everyone including the management, trade unions and workers to go in for prevention of accidents, which is better than cure.

Causes of accidents

Accidents may be caused due to,
  1. Unsafe Conditions
  2. Unsafe Acts

An unsafe condition may refer to the condition of the floors, ladder scaffold, machines tools, etc. an unsafe act is something, which is done by somebody, culminating in an accident. The cause of nearly all accidents has its relation to an unsafe condition. The unsafe condition contains the potential to injure someone. It is the unsafe act that leads to an accident.

Hence the first attack should be on the unsafe condition because it is controllable. The next important attack has to be on unsafe acts of workmen.

Safety Rules & Regulations

  • Wear helmets, gloves and boots while working.
  • Observe all signs boards and danger notices.
  • Report all unsafe conditions to your supervisor.
  • Help to keep the site clean and tidy.
  • Do not work at height if you are feeling weak or dizzy.
  • Do not smoke within the site.
  • Do not throw debris down from height.
  • Never permit at any time to be operated, erected & tested by anyone other than the experienced person or relevant operator.


So it is needed to follow precaution for providing safety as follows,

  • Provide safety helmets to officers & workers.
  • Provide boots for hard workers.
  • Provide gloves to workers
  • Provide uniforms to workers to easily identified of others
  • Provide barricades.
  • Safety belts when working at higher ground or narrow places.
  • Not allowing the scaffolding material or tools to be dropped from a height.
  • Make sure that the bracing is fixed exactly correct.
  • Ensure that the specified wall ties are fitted as erection proceeds.
  • Check that the fittings are properly tightened.
  • When handling the machine or truck mixture covered area properly by placing.
  • Provide goggles for welders and grinders. When doing work that might cause damage to the eyes.
  • Provide rain coats
  • Provide masks to avoid dust
  • Do not throw any heavy things on the high levels that may cause injuries.
  • When handling machine like back-hoe loader ensures that there is no danger from live electrical cables or equipment closer to working place.
  • Use right tools. Do not use small tools as a instead of heavy-duty tools.
  • When do cutting operation use safety glasses.

In any case of accidents, the following precautions may reduce their criticality.
  • Having safety officers trained for first aid.
  • At least some trained supervisors should be there.
  • Having a first aid room & a first aid box should be there.
  • Having a vehicle always reserved in case of an accident.


Head Protection

Helmet is used to prevent damaging head due to falling objects, overhead loads and sharp projections.

Foot Protection

Proper foot ware is used to protect the foot from falling materials and also to prevent penetration of nails. E.g.:- safety shoes and boots

Hand Protection

Protective gloves were given to the workers whenever there is a danger of injuries to hands. e.g. - for bar benders and masons gloves were given

Eye Protection

Goggles were given to the workers who engaged breaking, cutting, drilling and welding to protect their eyes.

Safety Belts

Safety belts were normally given to the riggers who work in higher elevations to prevent falling down. The belts should be properly checked at the beginning of the day and it should be connected to a proper support. In addition to these protective equipment’s, labours were well instructed and trained to use the safety methods while their working and also notice boards were placed at the critical places.

There was a separate officer to look after the safety of the people and site and major safety rallies were carried out to educate the labours about good and bad practices of working and also in handling equipment. I was able to attend to a safety rally as well

Safety Net

In case of safety the safety net play a major role. It prevents the falling materials to be spread over the land which is the best method of protecting the neighbors. Also presence of safety net, encourage the workers feel more comfortable at higher elevations.


When working with dust or chemicals.

Barricade tape

If there is an unsafe place. Cover with a barricade tape

First aid

First aid box are provided on the office. At small accident workers can medicine for their damage. The accident should mention in the book at the first aid box.

All the equipment’s are pre tested for safety before using them for an example fully insulated power cable should be used in case of electrically driven equipment.
In addition to those things there was a well-equipped first aid room with a trained person. And the method of action to be carried out was displayed at front of the site to take quick actions and prevent damage being serious

Site security arrangement for the site safety

  • Site security is an important factor in any construction work site. These are the things we did in our site.
  • At the two entrance door, a security post was established. One door is only for concrete trucks.
  • Security post should be located in a place where all sides of the can be seen from the security points but we could not find such a place. So there was a mobile security officer who always goes around the site.
  • Visitors can not come to the site without permission.


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