Monday, February 8, 2016

Management principles

What is management?

Simply it is a process of controlling and dealing with peoples and things in business and organizations. Its main function is to get peoples together to accomplish the goal and objective of company.

Who is Manager?

He is the person who control and making decisions to attain the peoples to accomplish the organization goal and objectives.

Functions of Manager

  • Planning
  • Organizing
  • Leading
  • Controlling

Accomplishment of project manager

System organization

In some organizations, there may not be an official system. Just ‘our way of doing things’. That is mostly keep in the heads of the staff.
            It is an organized, purposeful structure that consists of interrelated and interdependent elements (components, entities, members, parts). These elements continually influence one another (directly or indirectly) to maintain their activity and the existence of the system, in order to achieve the goal of the system.
            All the members of the organization have some image in their minds about how the organization should be working.

Companies must have dedicated / committed / experienced / knowledgeable persons

And also,

  • Working on time
  • Working beyond normal hours
  • Sense of urgency

Biggest challenge that facing nowadays companies is retaining good peoples (Staff / Employees) (Staff turned off)

This means, these companies need focus on or emphasis on effecting and effective human resources management system (HRM). Human beings are diverse and interdependent. In order to overcome this situation a manager in a company should have human skills such as motivational, coaching, training etc.

Peter Principle.

It is a theory that individuals in a hierarchy who do a good job and competent are promoted to the next level. If they are not competent, they are not promoted and they remain at the same level.

So better planning is required.

Benefit of better planning

  • Helps to motivate employees
  • Provide a sense of direction
  • Provide coordination
  • Helps delegation
  • Serves as a communication media
  • Setup the organizational framework

And also good control system

Quality of an effective control system

  • Accuracy
  • Timeliness
  • Economic
  • Flexibility
  • Understandability


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