Thursday, February 12, 2015

What Is Project management

What is project management? Before defining project management it is more specifically necessary to define a project.
A project is “a unique set of coordinated activities with definite starting and finishing points , undertaken by an individual or organization to meet specific objectives within defined schedule, cost and performance parameters.”Source: BS 6079:2000 Guide to Project Management
A project is ‘‘a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result’’
Source: The Project Management Institute (PMI 2008)
From above definitions, it is understood that a project is a unique set of activities with specific objectives, which can actually be isolated from general management which normally deals with activities of repetitive and functional nature. Further, having a defined schedule means that a project has a defined beginning and end in time… meetspecific objectives within definedcost and performance parameters. Once those objectives are accomplished it can be considered that the project is finished. Therefore, a project is unique and temporary in character.       `
The 3 dimensions, Time-Cost-Quality, mentioned in above definitions may be stated as below.

Project Management for construction

Consider a construction project with a unique set of coordinated activities with definite starting and finishing points , to meet specific objectives within defined schedule, cost and performance parameters. From the inception to the client’s occupation, there are groups of different activities having interrelationships. It is highly competitive market with perhaps lesser profit margin than in the past. It may include specialized works with the roles to be played by specialists such as planners, designers, estimators, contractors, suppliers etc. involved in the project at different stages of the project. New scientific discoveries and technological advances, modern equipment have made it more capital intensive. In the past this had been labour intensive.
Complexity of construction works has also demanded the adoption of many different forms of procurement contracts. Latest knowledge and skill to be employed in a systematic way in order to meet the objectives of the project within the defined schedule, cost and performance parameters.Techniques, knowledge and skills include the work analysis in a systematic way such as the  use of critical path method. As such, the whole project and its activities have to be managed, well planned and executed.Project management has the leading role to play in this exercise.


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